
Creating Value from Intangible Assets

valuia® is a dynamic and experienced team of IP strategists and consultants committed to empowering startups throughout their journey in incubator and accelerator programmes. Our mission is to cultivate groundbreaking innovations by providing expert guidance in IP management.

What we do at valuia®

In the today's startup ecosystem, the paradigm of value creation has shifted from tangible assets such as machinery or hardware to a pronounced focus on intangible assets, highlighting the significance of intellectual property (IP) protection and management.Start-ups actively seek entry into accelerator and incubator programmes, where stakeholders place a strong emphasis on intellectual property.valuia® collaborate with accelerators and incubators to empower and educate their start-up community to leverage their Intangible Assets (IA) and Intellectual Property (IP) through holistic IP management advisory and educational programmes.

Questionnaire on the Importance of Intellectual Property for Accelerators and Incubators

valuia® is at the stage of launching itself as an IP management provider offering customized IP management solutions primarly for accelerators and incubators.By engaging with our questionnaire, you'll contribute to a deeper understanding of how currently IP management fosters innovation and growth within accelerators and incubator programmes.By participating in our questionnaire, not only do you contribute to a better understanding of current trends on the ´Importance of Intellectual Property for Accelerators and Incubators´, but you will be entitled for:

  • A copy of the research report results that will be shared with all the incubators and accelerators participants.

  • Have the opportunity to enter a draw where three participating incubators and accelerators can win a specialized training session on IP management for their startups onsite.

The questionnaire will take only 10 minutes with responses processed anonymously. The team at valuia® sincerely appreciates your time in sharing your valuable insights, which will greatly contribute to our efforts.Click here to start the Questionnaire:

Tobias Lipp, LL.M.

Co-Founder and IP Expert
For further info contact


Creating Value from Intangible Assets

© valuia 2024. All rights reserved.